Saturday, August 29, 2009

Virtual vs Dedicated: Which Type of Web Hosting Do I Need?

The choice between the type of web hosting, virtual or dedicated, is governed by several factors that need to be taken into consideration by the site owner. The key for a site owner is to try and fulfill his requirements while staying within his budget. An understanding of the pros and cons of both forms of hosting is the first step in deciding which to choose.

Virtual hosting: This type of hosting is preferred by most small websites. Several websites are hosted on a single server in this form of hosting. Hosting providers offer packages with different combinations of disk space, domain names allowed with each hosting account, and bandwidth allotments. Small sites and blogs that do not require too many resources to run can select a smaller virtual hosting package.

With virtual hosting, the distribution of resources means that the speed of web pages loading depends upon other web sites sharing the web server. If quick download and upload are essential to a site owner’s plan, then virtual hosting which offers sufficient bandwidth should be considered. A good host will ensure that websites with similar resource requirements are hosted together so that site owners pay only for the resources and scripts that are used by them.

Virtual hosts may or may not allow access to non-public directories, these are directories used for storing files that are not meant to be accessed via the word wide web. Small sites that hold sensitive data should check for this facility. SSH/Telnet are important for site owners that wish to communicate directly with the servers and run queries on the databases.

In terms of security, websites can get compromised even when there are no lapses on their part; carelessness on part of neighboring websites on a virtual server can lead to the server getting hacked into and every website may be at risk. However, choosing a good host with solid security will mitigate this risk.

Dedicated hosting: With dedicated hosting, all the resources of a server are made available to the site owner exclusively. Dedicated hosting is best suited for sites that attract a lot of visitors and have a high bandwidth requirement, ecommerce sites that may need special software, or web sites that hold sensitive information and therefore need greater security.

Dedicated servers allow unlimited domain names and greater freedom in managing the website. Dedicated hosting is divided into managed and unmanaged hosting. Managed hosting implies greater support from a technical team that performs regular technical updates and routine maintenance without the site owner having to look into it. Unmanaged dedicated hosting is cheaper than managed dedicated hosting but additional support can be an added cost.

Dedicated servers are accessible only by the host and the site owners; by using features such as secure FTP and encrypted terminal sessions, site owners can be assured of greater security. Webmasters who run multiple sites can also host all their sites on a dedicated server; this enables better management and may work out cheaper than hosting the sites separately on different virtual servers.

Paul Hanson recommends Net Explorers ( for reliable UK web hosting.


domain hosting

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Business Letter Writing Tools Are Readily Available

When you use the free ebook offering sample business letters, you will be provided what you need in order to effectively communication key messages necessary in business.

Without rambling, a short and clearly stated letter will get the point across most effectively. While you do not want to seem short, the point needs to be made in as few words as possible.

Being cordial yet understanding takes certain finesse. The lessons you will learn when using this free tool for writing business letters will provide you with the right approach to say what you need to say.

A professional and focused letter will be more appreciated than an erratic letter that makes no clear point.

Some really great sample business letters are included to get you through most business situations without seeming unprofessional. In business, letter writing is a very important skill.

When you come across as an uneducated person who does not know how to write a business letter, how many people do you think are going to take you seriously? If they are laughing at your letters, what are they saying about you or your business?

When you see how the sample business letters are concise, properly set up, and have all the information that is relevant to the subject in the right format, it will seem senseless to you to use anything else.

The idea behind sending a well written business letter is to get results. In addition, you want to ensure that you receive a response that is clear and concise.

The many samples available include an apology letter, thank you letters, donations requests, collection letters, reference letters, letters of resignation and more.

When you utilize any of these sample business letters, you will see how important it is to use the right approach in your written communications.

For example, if you need to write an apology letter for any reason, do not dwell on the apology. Make it, say you have learned from it, and you hope to maintain a business relationship with their company.

You do not want to keep apologizing. One time is sufficient. To keep stating it repeatedly makes the person you sent it to begin to wonder if you are unsure of yourself. Do they want a business that is run by someone who is not sure of themselves?

If you are asking for a donation, state what is for, how it will benefit the receiver, and how much you will appreciate their consideration. Do not beg for money, or lay a guilt trip on someone.

Using the correct approach for this donation request can mean the difference between receiving the donation versus your letter being filed in the trashcan.

Richard Gorham is the founder and President of Leadership-Tools, Inc. His web site, is dedicated to providing free tools and resources for today's aspiring leaders. Offering high-quality tools in the areas of Business Planning, Leadership Development, Customer Service, Sales Management and Team Building.

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Colon Cleaning For Weight Loss and Increased Energy Levels

Many people are still in the dark when it comes to understanding the effects of colon cleaning as a means to lose weight, which also increases energy levels. To understand why this is an effective method for weight loss, you need to understand the function of the digestive and intestinal system, including the colon.

While some may have general knowledge, it is important to understand how excess debris builds up on the intestinal walls over a period of time, which causes higher levels of harmful toxins to be built up. Because the beneficial, active cultures should be able to overtake harmful toxins, the balance is reversed and the immune system defenses are down, while the digestive system fails to absorb the nutrients from food that is eaten.

Through colon cleaning, the walls of the intestinal system are cleaned and the entire digestive system is prepared to allow the beneficial probiotic cultures to take over. By flushing the years of debris build-up, some people have realized weight loss of 10 pounds practically overnight.

The good cultures build up and can overtake harmful cultures which weaken the immune system. Also, the intestines are able to absorb vitamins and nutrients into the blood stream more efficiently. It allows the entire digestive system, including the colon and intestines to process the food, get the beneficial nutrients, eliminate the toxins, and give you the increased energy levels that come with better health.

The reason that many should use an herbal colon cleaner periodically, whether for losing weight or not, is that water, juice and other roughage alone, cannot give the results of an actual colon cleaner. While they may have some effect, and they are better than nothing, they are not fully effective.

Losing weight by using a colon cleaner depends on the amount of excess build-up your system contains, so the more that you eliminate, the more weight you will lose. By understanding this principle, you can understand why claims that may seem exaggerated are actually true, unlike other miracle cures for losing weight.

Not only does this not require any change in eating habits, but it gives you increased energy because your metabolism works more effectively, as you get more benefit from the nutrients of the foods you do eat. There is no starvation diet or fad diet involved, it is a matter of eliminating weight you do not need, and in fact, may be responsible for forming harmful toxins.

Through colon cleaning and adding probiotic cultures to your digestive system, the strength of the good cultures are sufficient to overtake the harmful ones, and improve your immune system strength. Herbal ingredients make this a safe and effective way to lose weight, which is why more and more people are trying it.

It has been praised by Dr. Mehmet Oz, a leading cardio expert and overall health and nutrition specialist. He believes that colon health, and the digestive and intestinal health can determine the health of the rest of the body, it is important to know the signs of effective processing by these systems.

Because they can also give indicators of other health problems, it is important that they are operating effectively. Colon cleaning and increasing probiotic cultures are the best methods for losing weight and improving these systems

For a natural weight loss program visit:

To understand more about colon detox or take a look at colon cleaning.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeling Better With a Colon Detox Diet

The Importance Of A Clean Colon

Such a diet is not only nutritionally barren; it can lead to obesity and digestive problems, and the buildup of toxic wastes within the digestive organs and the colon itself. A colon clogged with these substances can no longer serve efficiently as the body's organ of elimination. You know what happens to your home if your sewer backs up; it becomes filled with all kinds of terrible gunk. When your colon is sluggish, the same occurs to the rest of your body.

Europe's Royal Society of medicine, in fact, has done clinical research which determined that three dozen toxic substances can accumulate in an unhealthy colon. So what can you do to keep your colon in proper working order?

The colon detox diet is designed to rid your colon of years of accumulated toxins, and get you on the road to maximum health. Even better, the colon detox diet will have you eating inexpensive foods readily available at your local supermarket. You may even already have some of them in your refrigerator or kitchen cupboards.

Fresh Fruits And Fruit Juices

By starting your day with a meal of fresh fruit and lots of clean water, you will both put your digestive tract into high gear and be getting lots of healthy fiber and vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. You can also either make or purchase freshly squeezed fruit juices, and drink a quart of them each day on the colon detox diet. Your colon will love you for it!

Fresh Vegetables

On the colon Detox diet the only vegetables you will have to avoid are those high in starches, like potatoes, yams, and turnips. You can eat you full of all other raw vegetables or salads, or you can lightly steam you vegetables to retain their nutrient content. Make sure to rinse all your fresh fruits and vegetable s in a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water, to remove ant residues of toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Your veggies will fill you with colon cleansing fiber.


You will find plenty of colon cleansing herbal formulas at your local health food store, including ginger, bayberry, and turkey rhubarb. These herbs will stimulate your blood circulation, as well as cleaning your colon.

You can also find more info on liver detox is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Diet.

To understand more about colon detox or take a look at colon cleaning.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Online Business Tips

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