Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tips For Panic Attacks You Can Use Anywhere

While panic attacks never occur in convenient locations, tips for panic attacks that you can use anywhere can help you get through an attack regardless of where you might happen to be when one occurs. One of the most important keys to coping with panic attacks in different locations is preparation. Taking the time to prepare for panic attacks can assure that regardless of where your next attack occurs you will be ready to handle it, deal with the symptoms and get them under control quickly.

Portable Tips for Panic Attacks

Carrying a notebook with you can be a great way to keep tips for panic attacks handy. This is a convenient location to store methods that have worked for you in the past. In fact, it can be a good idea to make a duplicate notebook and keep one in your car as well as in your home. You may even wish to keep a small notebook in your purse or briefcase as well.

One way to approach a panic attack as you feel it coming on is to tell yourself to just slow down. Try repeating calming phrases to yourself slowly and silently. Such phrases might include: I will be okay, this is just temporary, I am overreacting, everything will be okay. Physically slow down your movements. This can help to keep your mind from racing and subsequently stave off an impending panic attack.

For many people, panic attacks originate from simply thinking too much. They may feel as though their mind is racing with too many thoughts. Pulling in your thinking, reminding yourself that you and your body are not out of control, you are not going crazy and that you can get control of your thoughts and actions can also help.

It can also help to remind yourself that you are bigger than any panic attack. This is just a single moment in time and it will pass. Keep repeating this to yourself until you believe it and feel the sensations of panic pass.

Listening to a mixed tape of calming music can also be helpful. You may wish to make a CD of your favorite calming songs and keep it with you at all times. Listening to calming songs can reduce the symptoms of a panic attack and even stop one before it becomes full blown.

Others have also found that keeping a sort of first-aid kit of tips for panic attacks with them can be helpful in stopping panic attacks no matter where they might happen to be. Items that can be handy to have in such a kit include calming essential oils, scented candles, a beverage and a healthy snack such as string cheese or dried fruit.

Finally, don’t forget to include a list of telephone numbers for people that you feel secure in calling in the event you feel a panic attack coming on. Be sure to write down even familiar numbers as it can be difficult to remember them in the event of an attack. It may also be helpful to write down crisis hotline numbers. For some individuals, talking to someone they do not know can provide a source of comfort and help in the event of an attack.

Taking the time to create a kit of tips for panic attacks tools you can use for a panic attack anywhere is a great way to reduce the symptoms you experience as well as even reduce the number of attacks you experience.

Panic Attack Reviews |
Panic Away

Dealing With The “Monsters From The ID”: 9 Techniques For Overcoming Panic Attacks By Communicating With The Unconscious Mind

"Monsters from the Id, John."

Dr. C.X. Ostrow clutched the arm of Commander John J. Adams in the 1955 science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” and stared at him feverishly.

"Morbius was too close to the problem. He didn't see that when the Krell machine gave the Conscious Mind a boost, it also boosted the Id that lies in the Unconscious. It is where the mass of formless, bestial impulses develop..."

Anyone who saw “Forbidden Planet” would never forget it as the first movie to convey a postulate of Freudian psychoanalysis ... the Unconscious Mind.

For those too young to remember "Forbidden Planet", it's a tale of Morbius, a mad scientist who survives a disaster on a distant planet and discovers a super-scientific race known as the "Krell". The Krell had developed machines that boosted their intelligence and gave substance to their thoughts.

Unfortunately, the Krell destroyed themselves by unleashing primeval monsters lurking in the Id.


Shakespeare used the concept of the Unconscious Mind in many of his plays, and indeed, “Forbidden Planet”, is a remake of “The Tempest”. The concept predates him, however, and was explored in the Hindu Vedas between 2500 and 600 BC (Wykipedia, Unconscious Mind).

In his development of Psychoanalysis, Freud proposed a model of the mind which consisted of the Conscious and Unconscious, the latter consisting of the Superego and Id. Later psychoanalysts elaborated on the concept of the Unconscious, or disputed its actual existence, but none denied the notion that there were buried, non verbalized impulses deep within the human psyche that resulted in unexplainable, and sometimes irrational, behavior.


I rent rooms in my home. I once put an ad on the Internet advertising one of my rooms and forgot to mention that I had a cat. I received an inquiry and set up an appointment to show it. Everything was going well until the prospective renter saw the cat.

He paled. "I...I uh, am afraid of cats."

I stared at him in disbelief. "Cats? Oh, our cat is harmless. He's just a housecat and we've had him for years."

When I saw the genuine fear in his eyes, I decided his reaction wasn’t ridiculous. For some reason, he was afraid of housecats, and I sincerely doubt he knew the reason for it

Something must have happened when he was very young. Fear of cats lurked in his Unconscious and was being communicated to him nonverbally in a way that was very difficult to deal with.


Panic Attacks are acknowledged to be different from Panic Disorder, which can be treated with drugs that modulate the neurotransmitters in our nervous systems.

Even though medications may treat the "symptom" of the Panic Attack, the root cause is not addressed and dealt with. In order to do that, you have to have a little conversation with your Unconscious Mind.


Why should an incident like waiting in line in a grocery store suddenly cause bodily sweating, shaking, and unreasoned fear? The Unconscious Mind is responding to the stimuli, and the question is...what is it communicating that is causing this kind of reaction?

Communication, however, is a "two way street". The Unconscious can “talk” to us, and vice versa. How can we find out what it is saying, and how can we talk to it?

There are at least 9 ways we can attempt to communicate with our Unconscious Mind:

1) Hypnosis. This can be a way of talking to and reprogramming the subconscious. There have been amazing success rates in overcoming phobias by this means.

2) Dreams. The Unconscious communicates with us through dreams. In order to use them as therapeutic tools, you must immediately record the dream when you wake up and most likely get professional help in interpreting them.

3) Meditation. Take time to clear your mind...stop all Conscious thought…give the Unconscious the opportunity to communicate with you.

4) "Freudian slips". Freud believed that when we involuntarily say things we don't mean, we are given clues to what is going on in the Unconscious.

5) Flashbacks. These can be vivid recollections stemming from the Unconscious, and can give us clues to problematic behavior.

6) Imagination. What we imagine when our minds are allowed to "drift" can give us clues as to what is going on in the Unconscious.

7) Regression techniques. These are done professionally in an attempt to take us back to our childhood to explore Unconscious programming.

8) Inner dialogue. Sometimes just "ordering" the Unconscious to come up with something works. It may take time, but the machinery starts operating, and may produce surprising results.

9) Intuition. When you have a "gut level feeling" that either agrees or disagrees with the rationale of your Conscious Mind, it is your Unconscious communicating with you.


Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, we can't receive a "brain boost" from a super scientific race like the Krell in "Forbidden Planet". If we could, maybe we would be able to drag the monsters out in the light where we could talk to them.

Meanwhile, however, we are stuck with the techniques of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy and meditation.

But, come to think of it, that might be for the best. I didn't really want to talk to the monsters anyway.

Panic Attack Reviews |
Panic Away

Monday, May 3, 2010

Operating Your Own Membership Site

The purpose of membership websites are many and varied. Whilst the majority tend to be related to Internet marketing, membership websites are starting to diversify. In recent times I've seen sites that are related to cooking, self improvement and other topics that are of interest to a broader audience. It's only common sense that this new trend to choose non-internet niches will continue. Why compete in a fairly saturated market like Internet marketing when the membership world is literally your oyster?

More and more people are discovering that setting up and running a membership site isn't the gargantuan task they may have thought it would be. Granted, it does take some work, research and study, but there are very few businesses that don't require at least some effort on your part.

Let's look at some things that are required to run a successful membership site.

1. Passion and Dedication - It's always easier to provide information, services and products to others if you have a keen interest in the product you are selling. If your only motivation for wanting to run a membership site is because you see others making money with them, then don't waste your time. Unless you are willing to put the time in to maintain and develop your site you will end up with a poor reputation and a lot of disgruntled members.

2. A Good Domain - If you've ever looked around at other membership sites you'll see that they nearly always have a relevant domain name. This is important as it is part of your branding. There are plenty of good examples of well thought out, branded membership sites. Names like Mr. Overdeliver and SureFireWealth are good names that enhance the overall concept of the membership site and are easy to remember.

3. Starting Content- You usually can't start a membership site if you don't have any content. This could be information, scripts, e-books and/or your own products. When most people join a membership site they expect to see something that they can use straight away. If you have a large amount of content you don't necessarily have to offer it all up straight away. Keep in mind that your members will expect regular updates, so it's best to try to always overdeliver. You can't do that if you've given everything out on day 1.

4. A Good Script - This is a topic in itself, but basically you need to work out your membership fees and structure first. You also need to be sure of how you are going to present your products and which payment methods and processors you will use. Once you know the answer to these questions you can look for a script that has the appropriate membership structures, can deliver your products in a way that suits your site and supports your payment processor(s).

5. Commitment - This is one of the most essential 'ingredients'. Whilst membership sites will, for the most part, run on autopilot, you still need to maintain and update them regularly. Provide a helpdesk and a forum where members can get in touch with you and interact with each other. Some of the best membership sites are thriving communities because they provide these features to their members.

So there you have it in a nutshell. You'll notice that I didn't mention anything technical. That's because with the range of membership scripts and information that is available the technical aspects and requirements have become quite a minor issue.

Yes, you really can run a membership site but to be successful it will take some time, dedication and work. The rewards for a well run membership site can be quite extraordinary though.

Membership Product Reviews
Easy Member Pro

How to get the most from membership sites

They are everywhere and every marketer is creating them, a lot of them are offeruing low cost trial's of their membership sites but there is only so much time that a person can sit in front of their computer, connected to the internet. I, fortunatekly have a broadband connection and my computer is hooked to the internet 24 hours a day. But at times, when a lot of people are surfing, the connection can become real slow. and yet there are still people that only connect using a dial up account.

so, How can you take advantage of one of these trial accounts for a membership site. one of the many ways is by using an offline browser. When i first take advantage of a new mebership on one of these sites I'll connect with my offline browser which downloads the site to my own computer and then i can surf the site on my own time. When one of these browsers downloads a site to your system it changes all the links so there is no difference from using the site on your own system as opposed to using it while online. except for the fact that on your own system you won't have to worry about surfing the net when everybody else is. The duplicate site on your own system will run much more smoothly and faster. Now one thing to keep in mind is that some of these site's when downloaded could take up a gig of space or more on your own hard drive but usually i transfer these sites to a DVD via my DVD burner.

The only time i'll remain a member to one of these sites after my trial has expired isif I feel that the new posts will be something that i'll benefit from. So far very few have met this criteria but one of the ones i stay a member is the one run by Dan Kennedy. He sends out newsletters both via email and a hard copy once a month in the mail.

I just signed up for one trial tonight which offered a trial mambership for the first month of only a dollar. If I decide to stay a member past the first month the membership is just under $30 per month but if I don't monitor myself these memberships can add up.

The beauty of a trial membership and an offline browser is that once my trial has expired I still have akll the information that was offered for a lower price. I also want to mention that a lot of these marketers never purge their database of the old memberships that don't remain membbers. What this means is that your username and password will still work a year or two later even though you never kept paying a membership fee.

If i had a membership site i would make the password change every month. Give everybody the same password instead of letting them create their own.

Membership Product Reviews
Easy Member Pro