Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gold and Its History

Gold is the oldest international currency in the world. The fact that it does not corrode or tarnish, it is malleable, and can be easily shaped into coins, has made gold suitable for money. In 18th century BC the first coin containing gold was struck, and the first coin made exclusively form gold was struck to honor the order of King Croesus of Lydia (around 550BC).

The Mediterranean civilizations also started to mint coins and these coins often circulated outside these countries. Roman gold coins were used long after the fall of the Roman Empire and during the Middle Ages, in Europe, gold and silver coins were at the basis of the currency systems. Nevertheless, they were considered to be far too expensive and valuable to be used for the daily transactions.

The coins used were the specie money. The value of one coin resided in the value of the metal it was made from. This type of currency was little by little replaced with specie-backed money. The latter type of money has its origins in the banker's bills of exchange.

International gold standard had a short lifespan: from the 1870s to the 1914, when First World War started. The international gold standard helped the prosperity and the steady rise of economic systems. After the War there were attempts of returning to the gold standard but they were deemed to failure due to mismanaged strategies.

After the establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system most Western countries were helped to emerge into a period of prosperity. But slowly the decisions that were taken at Bretton Woods became out of date and in 1971 the United States abandoned the system.

Since the Bretton Woods system came to an end, gold has no longer been the backbone of the international monetary system. It has its set of monetary functions as it is considered the "ultimate form of payment" but its main function is as a reserve for the Central Banks.

Learn how to buy gold in times of recession by professionals.

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Craigslist, Yellow Pages, And Web Directory Lists As Information Providers

In the space of a few years, phone books have lost out on popularity. Of course, let me not count the occasion when my husband left the toilet paper roll on the floor, directly beneath the waiting empty roll, for the 72nd time in a row. But for its actual use of providing information to me, I cannot remember when I last used it. In this day and age my computer is always so much closer than the phone book, although I must admit, it is much harder to throw across a room when frustrated. But yet I keep the thing around, try to camouflage the ugly machine with my decor or what have you. I have to keep it out and in plain sight for the whole world to agree that yes; I have a phonebook available for your information pleasure. Heaven forbid I lose another useless monstrosity. Right, because something that is 6 inches thick and could be injurious when thrown appropriately could be lost easily. But seriously, do you think I know where it is? No, because I never use it. Just about anything that I need from it can be found on the Internet. The people that want to be found will be in the phone book, but I can look for them online as well. And if they don't want to be found, well, I am not going to find them in either place. But every year, Bell without fail drops one off at the end of my driveway, and within minutes, it ends up - somewhere - just in case I have an immediate phone number emergency where 911 does not apply (I have that one memorized, anyway).

Gone are the days of letting our fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages. In fact, the ubiquitous Yellow Pages are on the Internet as well. The Yellow Pages can't be knocked; they still remain one of the most useful information services out there. When looking for local information on businesses or services, it is my most preferred destination. But I don't intensify my strength training program by flipping through hard copy information. I log on. In fact, it is faster for me to find out about my pizza place on the Internet than to find the phone number in the book. Also, with the advent of sites like Craigslist or web directory sites, I have many more options available to me within seconds if I need information. Craigslist and web directories operate very similarly to the Yellow Pages, with a few extras. Craigslist is primarily a classified ad site, but it can give a whole lot of useful information. Not only can I find local business information, but can also look for housing (which will come in handy for my husband if he attempts the toilet roll conundrum one more time), look for work, social activities, or whatever other community classifieds information you might want. What makes it even better is that I will be free from the attack of the ads while I am doing so, as I am in so many other places on the Internet.

In fact, Craigslist is so easy to use, and now, very much in demand, having over 15 million users a month, that even my online Yellow Pages are becoming archaic. The information on Craigslist is also current information, which does not always hold true for the Yellow Pages, online or otherwise. And now, with eBay controlling some of its shares, it is doing very well even in the presence of big players like Google and Yahoo. Phone books may already have become things of the past, but we have already found substitutes.

Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.

How to Get Your Ex Back When it Was You Who Dumped Him

Getting an ex back is difficult if you were dumped. Think how you would be feeling if you were had done the dumping? That is the position that Susan put herself in, and she was determined to get her ex back.

Susan thought she had a best girlfriend called Marie. Marie was envious of Susan and Jimmy and she told Marie that her boyfriend Jimmy had been sleeping with another person. Without confirming the story or even talking to Jimmy about it, Susan confronted Jimmy and said she knew he had been sleeping with another woman.. Poor Jimmy was completely taken aback. He knew nothing of a rumor that concerned him. In fact Jimmy defended himself rather badly and Susan dropped him there and then.

Just a few days later, Susan discovered that Marie had lied to her just for the fun of it. Thus Susan found herself in a very in a quandary. Getting her ex back was primordial to her, but how could she do this without losing face? The very thought of this terrified her.

Susan rang Jimmy to explain what had happened. But Jimmy had decided he would not have her back. He had been very hurt because Susan had not trusted him and had not even discussed things with him.

Susan now had her work cut out to get her ex back, particularly as she had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously..

The first thing that Susan decided to do was to write a long letter and apologies to Jimmy.
She said what had happened between them was all her fault and that she would never let it happen again. She talked about their long life they had had together and the good times that they had had. She said that she didn't want to sacrifice all this because of her rashness. She said the reason she reacted like this was she adored him and could not accept that he was frequenting another woman. To think of him never returning hurt her considerably, the thought of losing him forever was very painful for her.

Susan dispatched the letter Jimmy and decided not to bother him or have any contact with him at all for some time. She wanted to give Jimmy the space he needed to recover from what she had done..

When she next met Jimmy she was very kind to him. She casually reminded him of all the pleasant times that they had had together. She didn't start apologizing again as she considered she had already done so both verbally and in writing..

One day, Susan bought two tickets to a rock band that she knew Jimmy liked hearing and which was in town for one single concert. She suggested that Jimmy come with her as his friend. In this way, she let him see that she would like him back but was leaving him the time to make his own decision.

Getting an ex back after you have misbehaved yourself and dumped him can become very complicated. Not only do you have to apologize because you behaved foolishly, but you almost have to start from zero with rebuilding the relationship. In the period when you come back together, reinstating trust becomes the most important component. Your relationship should grow from such an experience.

This is "How to get your ex back when it was you who dumped him"

Joe Bisley

For further information click here

Joe Bisley writes articles about human relationship problems

Get Your Ex Back Product Reviews

The Magic Of Making Up

Monday, April 26, 2010

Discount Kitchenware Shopping

It is estimated that the entire kitchenware industry is earning billions of dollars through their sales. Nowadays there has been tremendous increase in the models and styles of kitchenware to suit needs of everyone. There is lot of sophisticated techniques introduced in the kitchenware and this has a major role to be played for the introduction of newer products. There are different materials used for the making of kitchenware such as copper, tin, steel, alloy, stainless steel and even Teflon, the newest. Shopping for the right cookware is a tough task indeed as it takes time and effort.

The price is the most important factor which is considered by most of them while thinking of kitchenware. It is the only factor that comes to our mind. The price has to do a lot with the quality as well as the requirements that each of them have. With variety and styles which are prevalent around people are more attracted towards the latest varieties, but if you go for other older techniques and simplicity it might be cheaper. The price also depends on various other things such as the material of which it is made of. Of all the kitchenware, copper utensils are the costliest of all. For all those who would prefer to spend little on the kitchenware, they have to switch on to something cheaper. Some of them are stainless steel, alloy or any other material of your choice which is cheaper than copper.

One of the wonderful ways of kitchenware shopping is by online shopping which is a fantastic experience. There are hundreds of online merchants selling variety of cookware. Whatever you look out for in kitchenware you get all through online shopping. The most important aspect that you get from these online sources is the bargain price which is really wonderful. But all these needs a lot of research to be done in the internet, which could help you gets kitchenware at discount prices. You get to learn about many things from the internet too.

Other than letting you purchase at discount rates the online shopping also assists you in making good resources up and thus technically supporting you in all sense. In addition to selling the kitchenware, they aid in helping you in all respect. The most significant aspect of online kitchenware shopping is that you get these at the click of the mouse sitting right at home. Thus it enables you in making things go in a pretty way.

Some of the sites ask for shipping charges whereas some others provide it free. So after you decide to shop online, make sure to let yourself know about the different strategies of purchase. This way it becomes really easy for you to buy several things. There are few sites which provide free shipping if you purchase above the limit told by them. Thus discount kitchenware shopping is the best which is experienced through online. So for all those at home, it is a wonderful shopping experience.

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

KitchenAid Stand Mixer

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Free Money Making Opportunities on the Web

In auctions, the seller can specify what's known as a reserve price for an item. If the winning bid for that item is less than the reserve price, the seller can opt not to complete the transaction. Often, this technique is used by sellers who have a detailed understanding of how much the item would be worth if sold elsewhere, or who for whatever reason need to make a certain amount of money from the auction for free money making opportunities on the web. Generally, such sellers can be broken up into two categories: sellers who are simply looking to recoup a certain amount of the item's purchase cost and sellers who rely primarily on auction sales for their livelihood.

The first case often includes businesses that re-sell used items at a depreciated value. If the company uses good accounting practices, this value will be readily available. Otherwise, it will have to estimate the value by consulting with experts (some of whom it may already have on its staff) or comparing prices on similar items for free money making opportunities on the web. Typically, such sales aren't essential to the continuing health of the organization, so accepting a price slightly below the reserve value would likely not result in major harm. In low-priority situations such as this, a business must ask itself whether a reserve is really necessary for free money making opportunities on the web. Most auction venues will charge an additional fee to place a reserve on an item, which, depending on the expected sale price of the item, might be enough to cast the possibility of a satisfactory profit into doubt.

In the second case, though, reserve prices can reasonably be considered on the order of regular store prices: any offer below them will not result in a sale. As such, they need to be carefully calculated for free money making opportunities on the web. Too high, and auctions may result in too few sales and a bad reputation. Too low, and auctions may not generate enough profit to maintain the business. The desired profit margin will vary by business and by item, of course, and needs to be realistic for the market for free money making opportunities on the web. Equally, sellers should be aware of the relevant research, such as studies that indicate that using reserve pricing can have a feast-or-famine effect on profit depending on the estimated value of the goods being sold.* This research, while not conclusive, indicates that, even if relatively expensive goods benefit from reserves, relatively inexpensive ones can actually lose value if a reserve is employed. Ultimately, a business should remember that its bottom line is profit: even if all the theories say that using a reserve will help, if reserve-priced goods consistently under perform, the right answer is to abandon them, and vice versa.

Online reputation

After you have brought people to your page to look at the sports memorabilia you are trying to sell, it is important to entice them to bid. One of the most important factors is by creating and maintaining a positive online reputation. Buyers will be less likely to bid on your merchandise if the feedback left about you is not good. But overall, creating a positive response about your online auction business is not difficult to do and is very similar to the same good business practices people practice in regular storefronts. Along with being honest and descriptive about what you are selling online, it is important to answer all questions posed to you by potential bidders and be forthright about your product. When it comes to shipping the item, pack it appropriately in the correct box and send it out just as you described on your site or if you have made alternative arrangements with the winning bidder.

Tony Forster excels in the home business arena. You can learn more about making money online at

You too can have Best Work From Home Opportunities.

Find Out Your Dog Health Problems Now

As a pet owner, it is an important responsibility on your part to keep your dog healthy. You must bring your dog to the vet regularly. Even a healthy puppy will require many visits to the vet. Vaccinations, exams, worming, spaying, neutering and flea control are a few of the things that requires to be done to your dog on its first year of life to protect it from disease and other dog health problems.

Your dog cannot tell you when it feels sick. It is very important that you are familiar with your dog's normal behavior. Any sudden change to his physical or social behavior may signal the onset of a dog health problem, and early detection may save your dog's life. If your dog gets sick, take him to the vet right away. Veterinary care protects your health as well as your pet's, as the dog may carry a disease that can be transmitted to people. The most dangerous and well-known transmittable disease by far is rabies, a disease that causes almost certain death if not treated immediately.

You should learn to recognize signs of illness in your dog. A sick dog usually tires easily, drinks excessive amounts of water and/or refuse to eat. The other signs that can show are fever, runny or red eyes, dry nose, convulsions, and also dry cough. Frequent vomiting and loose bowel movement may also indicate a medical problem.

Parasitic worms are also a cause for concern as these parasites cause various dog health problems. Blood tests to check for heartworms should be included in your dog's annual checkup. These parasites are transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause serious illness. Your vet can prescribe you medicine that will protect your dog against heartworms.

Fleas and ticks are also a nuisance to your pet's health. They can cause anemia or paralysis. Keeping your dog clean and well groomed can help minimize this threat. Cleaning and dusting your pet's quarters with flea powder weekly can also help keep your dog free of fleas.

As an owner there are preventive measures that you can take in order to prevent dog health problems from manifesting. Make sure that you give your dog the best nutrition possible in order for him to develop a shield against common diseases associated with malnutrition or improper diet. Keep your pet healthy and in shape by giving him plenty of room and time to exercise. Follow your veterinarian's vaccination schedule and regularly bring your dog for check-ups in order to detect any early signs of trouble. Always, give your dog regular prevention medicine for his/hers heartworm and also the other parasites. Always keep your dog well-groomed and clean. Brush your dog's teeth or give it a tooth cleaning treat every week to avoid any gum or dental problems. Most of all, do not forget to give your dog lots of affection and firm but fair discipline to help keep him mentally healthy and happy.

Your vet can tell you more about common dog health problems for your dog's particular breed, so make sure you ask about them on your dog's next visit.

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dog Health - What is the Single, Most Important Thing You Can Do to Keep It?

It seems that dog health is on the decline. Depending on the breed, dogs can live to 20 years or more. Today, you're lucky if they reach eight.

Why is this?

Years ago, dogs were fed table scraps, kitchen scraps and homemade food, as commercial pet food hadn't been invented. The table scraps were more healthy then, as junk food didn't abound.

Years ago, it was rare to take a dog to a veterinarian. Vets, as doctors, were only visited when deemed absolutely necessary.

And yet, still dogs lived longer.

Could there be a connection between dog health today and their diet?

In my opinion, the answer to that is a resounding YES!

As with most people, I'm sure you're blissfully unaware of what goes into making your own food, let alone that of your dogs. When people are asked if they know, the frequent answer is "I don't want to know".

Obviously you suspect the worst.

But why don't you want to know?

Is it because you're caught out not knowing, so fear looking stupid?

I can understand that.

Or perhaps the knowledge of what goes into dog food is too revolting to consider. If this is the case, don't you think your dog might agree with you? Maybe he thinks it's revolting too, but if he doesn't eat it, he fears he may not be offered an alternative. Even revolting food will keep you alive.

Well, now you have the chance of finding out what really goes into pet food, so next time someone accosts you in the street, you can answer with confidence. Not only that, you can change the diet of your dog to something he will love and that will keep him in peak condition, to boot.

There's a saying 'garbage in, garbage out'. Dog health IS dog food, by the very nature of its frequent consumption.

The pet food industry remains more or less unregulated in all countries. The little regulation there is, is poorly policed. It would require too much funding, which tends to be spent on human needs.

So the industry gets away with whatever it wants.

Low quality meat (called meat by-products) is the start of the slippery slope. While dogs can eat some low quality food (hair, beaks, feathers, intestines and contents, fat), they can't survive on it. They need some good quality to maintain health.

Euthanized animals may be rejected by a more ethical company, but may be eagerly snapped up by those who are less so. The lethal injection forms part of the resulting food. Can this be contributing to poor dog health?

To bulk out the food, to make it more profitable, a filler is added. This can be whatever is available cheaply. It might be melamine. It might be sugar. It may be sawdust.

All pet food is cooked under high temperatures and pressures. This kills off enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients that are essential for good dog health.

To redress this shortfall, nutrients are added. But these are normally the synthetic ones as they're the cheapest. Synthetic nutrients are not easily absorbed by the body. As most of them are also isolated, they are of little value. Dog health is all about getting complex nutrients in a complete and natural form, which are easily absorbed.

To give the resulting dog 'food' a long shelf life (which is good for business, but not for dog health), toxic preservatives are used, preservatives that would never be allowed in human food because of their highly poisonous nature. Poisons such as ethoxyquin and formalin.

Don't be fooled by packets which maintain they use 'natural' preservatives, or are even preservative free. Ask yourself this - can meat be kept indefinitely at room temperature, without the use of preservatives?

It's down to you to be vigilant in the quality of your dog's food. To maintain good health, you need to be in control, which means you need to know the worst. Putting your head in the sand isn't going to keep your dog healthy.

If you liked this article, then I invite you to sign up for my free, weekly ezine on how to improve your health and that of your family, including pets, naturally. Included is a complementary ebook on how to have a healthy dog, starting today. Visit

Dog Supplements | Dog Vitamins

Friday, April 23, 2010

What Everyone Ought To Know About Yoga For Kids

Yoga can be done by anyone, young, old, even kids. With a little help, even toddlers can do it.

Even though it’s simply introduction to yoga and done with a little bit of game playing, it doesn’t mean that kids cannot get the benefit out of this particular sport.

The benefits are:

• To be healthier and help obesity in children. By taking yoga class, kids are triggered to move. Nowadays, because of the computer games, kids move less than they ought to.

• To control their stress. Yes, children can get stressed out, too. Being over scheduled, tough competition in school, peer pressure, all are the cause of your kids’ strain. Yoga can help them to get relaxed. Their ability to control their breathing can be applied to deal with problems they face in real life.

• Better concentration. Controlling breathing is a way to learn how to focus. And yoga can be a very good way in learning that. Some studies have shown that kids who practice yoga, especially those with special needs, such as those with ADHD, are able to concentrate for longer periods of time.

Besides those benefit, yoga also can be a way for them to express themselves and develop their self-esteem. To those with special needs, it can be a way to learn how to socialize.

The method is flexible. Yoga for kids mostly is modified with game playing, singing, storytelling, drawing, simple breath meditations and rest. Poses are balanced between quiet and active ones.

Children follow the teacher’s instructions by learning the names of different body parts, their locations and function. That way, their yoga improves very quickly.

Yoga for kids should be enjoyable. Try to put your kids in a yoga class and see how they can grow stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. And, they can have lots of fun. Ask them to stop, they would refuse.

Fort Worth Yoga | Fort Worth massage

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coping With Hearing Loss

Oddly enough, I've come to think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me, as it led to the publication of my first novel. But it took a while for me to accept that I was losing my hearing and needed help.

I believe that no matter how tough things get, you can make them better. I have my parents to thank for that. They never allowed me to think that I couldn't accomplish something because of my hearing loss. One of my mother's favorite sayings when I expressed doubt that I could do something was, "Yes, you can."

I was born with a mild hearing loss but began to lose more of my hearing when I was a senior in college. One day while sitting in my college dormitory room reading, I noticed my roommate get up from her bed, go to the princess telephone in our room, pick it up and start talking. None of that would have seemed strange, except for one thing: I never heard the telephone ring! I wondered why I couldn't hear a phone that I could hear just the day before. But I was too baffled--and embarrassed--to say anything to my roommate or to anyone else.

Late-deafened people can always remember the moments when they first stopped being able to hear the important things in life like telephones and doorbells ringing, people talking in the next room, or the television. It's sort of like remembering where you were when you learned that President Kennedy had been shot or when you learned about the terror attack at the World Trade Center.

Unbeknown to me at the time, that was only the beginning of my downward spiral, as my hearing grew progressively worse. But I was young and still vain enough not to want to buy a hearing aid. I struggled through college by sitting up front in the classroom, straining to read lips and asking people to speak up, sometimes again and again.

By the time I entered graduate school, I could no longer put it off. I knew that I had to buy a hearing aid. By then, even sitting in front of the classroom wasn't helping much. I was still vain enough to wait a few months while I let my hair grow out a bit before taking the plunge but I eventually did buy a hearing aid. It was a big, clunky thing, but I knew that I would have to be able to hear if I ever wanted to graduate.

Soon, my hair length didn't matter much, as the hearing aids got smaller and smaller. They also got better and better at picking up sound. The early aids did little more than make sounds louder evenly across the board. That doesn't work for those of us with nerve deafness, as we may have more hearing loss in the high frequencies than in the lower ones. The newer digital and programmable hearing aids go a long way toward improving on that. They can be set to match different types of hearing loss, so you can, say, increase a particular high frequency more than other frequencies.

Once I got my hearing aid and was able to hear again, I could focus on other things that were important to me--like my education, my career and writing that first novel! I didn't realize it then, but that first hearing aid actually freed me to go on to bigger and better things.

I had long dreamed of writing a novel, but like others kept putting it off. As I began to lose more and more of my hearing, it was a chore just to keep up at work, let alone doing much else. Then once I got the hearing aid, I no longer had to worry about a lot of the things I did before, and I began to think that writing a novel would be the perfect hobby for me. Anyone can write regardless of whether they can hear. I was also determined to prove that losing my hearing would not hold me back.

My first novel was published in 1994 and my fifth in the summer of 2005. Writing turned out to be much more than a hobby, as I've been writing full-time for more than 10 years. I'm now hard at work on my first nonfiction work, a photo-essay book to be published in 2007. I honestly believe that I would never have sat down at the computer and banged out that first novel if I hadn't lost so much of my hearing. Instead, I'd probably still be an editor somewhere and still dreaming about someday becoming a novelist. That's why I sometimes think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Affordable Hearing Aids Austin TX

Hearing Aid Styles Review Austin TX

Women's raincoat with hood: To buy or not to buy?

Don't you just love dressing up during the winter? All those wonderful jackets and colorful scarves come out. You can party and binge and still not worry about the extra fat showing as you wrap yourself up in a pretty jacket and shawl. But have you thought about the rains? If it's going to pour, it's going to ruin your dress, right? If you haven't already, make sure that you browse through the collection of women's raincoats with hoods when you go shopping. They not only protect you from the rains, they also protect you from chilly weather.

Women's raincoats with hoods can be quite a fashion statement if you choose well. Most come made up with materials that don't absorb rainwater thus giving full protection to the wearer. When you go shopping you will be amazed at the number of choices in terms of style and colors. You will be getting mainly two kinds of women's raincoats with hoods, one with an attached hood and one with a detachable hood. The good thing about the latter is that you can wear the raincoat without it when you want. Make sure that there are pockets in the raincoat. Choose something that suits your needs and looks good on you.

Let price not be a constraint when you are shopping for winter clothes. This is because raincoats are something you can wear for many winters to come. Look upon it as an investment and spend as much as you can afford.

Women's Raincoats
Women's Rainwear

Tips For Determining Appropriate Women's Rainwear

There are many different types of women's rainwear from pants to jackets and of course, raincoats. Now choosing a raincoat isn't as simple of just finding one that fits. Season plays a big part in the type of raincoat you'll need as does the activities you'll take part in while wearing it. For example, if you are going camping, you'll most likely want to choose different wear than if you were choosing a raincoat to wear for everyday work purposes.

The end use and planned frequency of use will help you when determining your rainwear needs. If you are a runner, you may want to purchase rainwear that will allow you to run even when it is raining cats and dogs. Likewise, if you just need rainwear for casual use, you will want to choose something made of a different fabric and that is comprised of different features.

How often it rains in your area will probably determine the feature you require and how much you are willing to spend on women's rainwear. If you live in an environment where it rains frequently, you will need to choose a raincoat that will withstand frequent use; however, if you live in a relatively dry area, you may be able to get away with one that is just mean to keep you dry in ordinary situations.

Since you are shopping for something that may receive frequent use, depending on where you live and how often it rains, you will probably want products that will last you a long time. That is why it is important to choose rainwear that fits your specific needs. For example, a raincoat purchased for casual use may not withstand the conditions of camping if you plan trips on a regular basis.

Choose the most appropriate fabric for your women's raincoat or other rainwear. There are three general types: water-resistant/breathable, completely waterproof/breathable and ultralight waterproof/breathable.

Water resistant fabric is made to withstand lighter precipitation and is constructed so the water will bead and roll off the raincoat. The other two types are better for harsher weather conditions. The breathable factor will allow sweat to escape through the fabric which will keep you more comfortable. Again, the fabric you need will depend on your area and predicted frequency of use.

Women's Raincoats
Women's Rainwear

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Useful Information On Hearing Aids

Hearing aids have been manufactured and designed for people who need assistance to make sounds accessible. They cannot correct hearing loss but can enhance and help you to improve your lifestyle. Not only could they improve on hearing sounds but may help with your speech.

Hearing aids are electronic and are operated with a battery sensing devices which can improve all levels hearing needs by adjusting the appropriate signal. Majority of hearing aids today have two appliances which work independently. The hearing aid could help with your speech as you should hear clearer and how the words are spoken.

When you go to choose a hearing aid the audiologist should look at your hearing ability, take into account home and work situations, medical conditions, any physical limitations and cosmetic preferences which should provide them with enough information and understanding to suggest the best hearing aid for you. Remember you must be comfortable with the hearing aid and be able to ask if you need a different one.

Amplification can be a reasonably effective treatment for people who are hard of hearing but it has been met with resistance. Amplification can assist with speech understanding even in a busy and noisy location.

Most people don't understand loss of hearing whether it be sensor neural or conductive, they tend to speak slower or louder thinking this will help the person hear and understand. With a hearing aid no one will need to be treated any different which could save uncomfortable and embarrassing situations especially with strangers and help you to lead a normal life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Put Up With Back Pain? Visit a Chiropractor!

If you’ve ever pulled a muscle in your back, or put a rib out of place, you’ll know how irritating and painful it can be. But did you know that, if left untreated, a back injury can cause permanent damage?

Often, when someone pulls a muscle or injures their back in some way, they will go to the drugstore or the doctor and pick up some medication. Now, there may not be anything wrong with taking medication to help numb the pain, but medication on its own will not fix the problem. That’s why, on the back of the bottle, it will say, “Take no more than 4 or 6 pills in a 24-hour period”; because the pharmaceutical company knows the medication will wear off and you will need to take more! The best thing to do when you have injured your back is to make an appointment with a chiropractor.

Many people are intimidated by chiropractors because they don’t know what chiropractors do. Chiropractors are back doctors: they have studied everything there is to know about your back, and they will be able to give you the best advice and treatment for back injuries. There are various treatments a chiropractor may give you, including adjusting your back by applying pressure, using acupuncture or laser acupuncture, and applying heat or cold to the injured area.

The next time you injure your back, by pulling a muscle for example, think about what damage that injury might do if you cover it up with medication. The irritated area will cause muscles surrounding it to tighten and to work harder to make up for the injury. Over time, this can cause damage to a larger part of your back, putting you in more pain than you were in before.

Take the time to look up the phone number of a local chiropractor, either in the phone book or on the Internet. Or, ask one of your friends to recommend a chiropractor. After you have attended your first appointment, you will realize how helpful the chiropractor is, and how he or she will take the time to discuss your situation personally and design the best healing plan for you. It’s worth it to make this effort; you will save yourself pain and will give your back the care it needs.

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service

Chiropractors Who Learn Life Skills More Likely To Excel In Business

Are you living a life of excellence? Are you everything you aspire to be? Those are the questions life coach and mentor Terri Werner asks her clients, many of whom are chiropractors.

Werner, who has a background in marketing, financial planning and business development, recently spoke to a group of chiropractors at the Karl Parker Seminar in Dallas, Texas. Her message, in the words of one attendee was “tremendous.”

Werner does one-on-one coaching, public speaking and is the author of several books and recordings on building excellence in your life and business practices. Says Werner, “I help a lot of chiropractors market their practice, look at vertical marketing, and how to get their message out, but I do that after we first address the issues in their life.” Her vision is creating a culture of excellence, one life at a time.

When a business or individual engages Werner to assist them, she first looks at what is going on in their lives in general. She asks, “Are they living in excellence? Are they living in integrity? Have they forgiven?” All these things that have to do with the heart and head coming together to create a dynamic excellence in one’s life.

Werner feels that once a person finds what is lacking in their life, and what they could do better, then all things fall into place. “I really believe everything has to do with everything.” She recommends journaling as a way to discover areas where a person is lacking and can improve. Excellence, she says, comes once a person discovers these things and works to change them. “I don’t think excellence has to be difficult. I really define excellence as creating an environment where the propensity to excel is easy.”

Werner knows from experience that anything can be accomplished when you apply these principles. “I had gone through some really tough things in my life…and I just decided to implement and do everything I could to create excellence. Doing so meant forgiveness and releasing judgments.”

Werner’s pursuit of excellence paid off in the form of a new book, Train Wreck to Triumph, as well as a partnership with Dr. Denis Waitley and NFL star Tim Brown to create a kid-safe web browser. She is currently working on a new project called A Question of Change. “The premise is that no matter where you are in life – whether you’re in trauma or grand success – requires focus on getting the right answers. In order to get the right answer, you must ask the right question.” This new book assists readers in asking the right questions to get the outcomes they desire.

Werner has been instrumental in helping many people enrich their lives, grow their businesses and become outcome driven by living lives of excellence. For information on her writings, audio books, speaking schedule or coaching go to or call 214-783-8908.

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