Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Is A Data Center?

Why is it important to have a data center for that matter? A data center is a facility that will house a good amount of the electronic equipment (and information) that a business or group has and needs. There will be computers and communication elements in this area as well as a number of other vital components to keeping the business running smoothly. What is essential about a data center is security and maintenance.

Companies may have more than one data center as well. Most mid size or higher companies will have at least one data center though. There are many types of data that can be stored in these centers. For example, a financial institution will maintain their clients accounts, numbers and activities in the data center. Businesses will keep client names, accounts, and projects in a data center as well. Because the data a business has is so very important to their existence and their performance, turning to a data center is an excellent option for this type of storage need.

Inside of a data center you are likely to find various types of computers, internet servers as well as many other items. To keep these items safe, data centers are often built and secured physically as well as logistically to protect them. Security is extremely high. They can be one of the safest environments in the city. The main job of a data center is to maintain and run applications to allow businesses to access and manage their files effectively.

There are many information portals now devoted to the subject and we recommend reading about it at one of these. Try googling for “data center info” and you will be surprised by the abundance of information on the subject. Alternatively you may try looking on Yahoo, MSN or even a decent directory site, all are good sources of this information.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Choose A Backup Software For Your Data Center Disaster Recovery Plan

A data center stores all the programs, files, applications and other digital information that a business needs to have, so they may reasonably compete against businesses using the internet. If their files where destroyed, this would bring the companies production to a halt, possibly causing a crushing blow to its positive cash flow. This is why it's absolutely critical to invest time and money in a reliable data center disaster recovery plan.

If you are already convinced that you must protect your data, then the next question is what exactly are we supposed to look for in a data center disaster recovery plan anyway?

It does not matter if you are a huge multinational corporation or a new business just entering your fast growth phase. Every business needs a first rate computer backup system.

Computer backup systems are a part of data center disaster recovery plans because they play the major role of safeguarding the pertinent data that keeps your business alive and restoring that data if a computer hardware failure occurs. Because of the importance of its function, selecting the right computer backup program is critical to your data center's disaster recovery plan.

Listed below are several facts to consider during your search for the best computer backup system:

Protection: How many levels of safety does the program have? Does it have a proper administrative login procedure? Can it keep your files intact in its own "vault" so they cannot leak out, get misplaced, or become erased? Determining what the program's security system can and cannot do is vital in making a selection. The program you want to choose must be capable of top-rate security.

Ease of Access: Even though you're backed up files have to be secure, at the same time they should be easily accessible. This encourages frequent updates and simplifies documentation procedures. An accessible system boosts the businesses efficiency, allowing more time to work on other important issues and responsibilities.

Storage Space: Storage pace is always a big issue for online computer backups. Even a small mom and pop business can have an amazing amount of data that needs to be stored. It's vital to know all your storage options and the limitations of your online computer backups, so you can confirm if it can, in fact, handle all or your valuable data.

Ease of Use: It isn’t a must-have requirement, but an easy to understand and operate program is a big plus for a number of reasons. A simple but effective program will be operated, verified, backed up, and given quality control checks more often. This minimizes the risk of file recovery disaster and increases the likelihood of a full recovery from computer crashes.

Dependability: Another important point to look for is if the program can store and restore your data completely when asked too without having to jump through any hoops? You should make sure it is easy to restore your data.

Don’t include yourself as one of the many businesses that do not pay enough attention to their data center disaster recovery plans. Neglecting to check if your computer backup system is up to restoring a file recovery disaster is going to be a painful experience when you most need it.

At all times you have to remember that depending on which computer backup system you select, it will make or break your data center disaster recovery plans. So be sure to take your time and pick wisely.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Monday, January 25, 2010

Being Healthy Can Be Fun

Many fear that our younger generation are being forced into a world of vedging out in front of the TV, spending hours playing computer games and indulging in what is perceived to be quite frankly a lazy lifestyle. Research into the growing rates of childhood obesity points towards such a lifestyle as one of the main triggering factors for this illness.

Campaigners are desperately trying to combat the ever growing statistics of obesity in children through a myriad of activities ( ). Jamie Oliver’s landmark campaign Feed Me Better has grown from strength to strength and has forced schools across the UK to review the items known as junk food on the school menus. It’s finally time to say goodbye to turkey twizzlers and beans and chips. Thank goodness!

Undoubtedly children that are encouraged to eat a healthy diet and lead an active lifestyle will be in a better position both physically and mentally. So what can be done to lure our youngsters away from hours in front of the TV or computer?! Too many kids miss the opportunity to enjoy healthy activities in the fresh air.

There are a number of outdoor products on the market tailored to meet the needs of children, whilst maintaining a high standard of safety. The Early Learning Centre (ELC) offers some great products for your garden. With the summer finally in our midst it’s a great time to check out what’s available on the market. A fantastic product that is loved by all has got to be the trampoline. It is thought that the Eskimos, who used to toss each other up into the air on a walrus skin, came up with the first official type of trampolining. Here in the UK trampolining is said to have kicked off when a number of people holding a large blanket would toss a person into the air and catch them.

Trampolining is not only fun, it is healthy and an ideal method for children to remain active in a safe environment. The ELC site offers a buyers guide to trampolines ( ) to ensure you select the most suitable type for your children. Bounce surrounds and trampoline covers are also available.

In fact, who’s to say exciting forms of exercise like trampolining should be limited to children? Why not get one big enough for you to enjoy too. Not only would this help you to keep off the pounds, it would set a great example to our younger generation.

Health Care Information Technology
healthcare information technology consulting

Become a Healthcare Professional

The healthcare industry will see a great amount of growth in the next ten to fifteen years when the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age and transitions in to nursing care facilities. As our population ages, we will need to have a strong system of qualified healthcare personnel to help manage all aspects of health care management. The healthcare industry will see a great amount of growth in the next ten to fifteen years when the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age and transitions in to nursing care facilities. The baby boomer generation is considered to be one of Americas largest generations ever. This is an explosive time for the health care industry. Anyone involved in health care is going to have steady work for years to come.

Health care is a large industry that encompasses many different areas of expertise. There are doctors, pharmacists, and nurses to take care of patient needs. There is also a large business and administrative side to the health care industry. This portion of the business provides the infrastructure that allows patients to receive medicine and treatments they require, as they need it. People who are looking to pursue a health care career have almost endless job options. You can be involved in direct patient care, medical billing and coding, working for insurance companies, or even practicing holistic medicine. No matter what avenue you pursue in your healthcare career, having your degree and training will ensure your marketability in the workplace.

*According to the bureau of labor statistics, health care provided 12.9 million jobs-12.5 million jobs for wage and salary workers and about 382,000 jobs for the self-employed. Of the 12.5 million wage and salary jobs, more than 40 percent were in hospitals; another 22 percent were in either nursing or residential care facilities; and almost 16 percent were in offices of physicians. About 92 percent of wage and salary jobs were in private industry; the rest were in State and local government hospitals. The majority of jobs for self-employed workers were in offices of physicians, dentists, and other health practitioners-about 265,000 out of the 382,000 total self-employed.

Health Care Information Technology
healthcare information technology consulting

A Health Care Article Provides Important Information On Topics Of Your Interest

A lot of doctors do not keep track of health care articles, but in my opinion it is one of the most important things that a medical professional should do. After all, medical technology changes extremely quickly, and each new development could potentially mean life and death for a patient that you will have one day. If you do not read each and every health care article relevant to your field of expertise – and a good number of ones that are not directly related to your specialty – you may miss out on a crucial new development.

Many people assume that any article on health care that is of sufficient importance will eventually get into the mainstream press. Many doctors up only read health care articles when they get this far. In reality, however, it is quite possible for a health care article to never get that far even if it hails some important change or development in the health care industry. Perhaps it is only a preliminary study, or a new policy by one of the major health care providers. Either way, the health care article may contain a crucial fact that the doctor will never notice. As a doctor, you are responsible for your patients, and you cannot afford to take this risk. Reading all of the health care article magazines is the only way to make sure that you are always prepared.

Of course, not every health care article is going to be important. This is why many of the industry journals have abstracts at the beginning. Sometimes, it is enough to read all of the abstracts and skim the articles for important information. Perhaps a health care article only contains things that you have read before, or perhaps you can figure out all the information it contains from the abstract. In reality, no one has time to read every single health care article, and no one should be expected to. Nevertheless, I try to read at least two or three health care articles every single day. This may sound like a lot, but I actually enjoy it!

One of the best ways to keep up on articles about health care is to start a reading group. Each health care professional is required to read a certain health care article every week. Then they all meet once a week, have coffee, and discuss what they have read. Not only is this a way to find out more information, but it is also a great way to socialize.

Health Care Information Technology
healthcare information technology consulting

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More Tips On How To Lower Your Golf Score

Golfing is typically played in different forms depending on the agreed terms between the competing parties.

These may come in two forms with corresponding rules to be played on and these are the match play and the stroke play.

In any given type of golf games, winning is determined by the fewer number of strikes before the ball gets into their respective holes. How you would be able to lower your golf score depends on how you strategize and effectively hit the ball to get it to the nearest holes you are trying to reach. But this objective makes it even hard for us due to a variety of reasons.

There are a couple of tips by which novice golfers could take advantage of in order to get away with the restrictions imposed by your physical infirmity and eventually lower your score in any given hole target.

1. Understanding the Physics of Golfing – Players may not be aware that golf gaming operates on several principles of physics.

A beginning golfer should understand that in order to achieve the least possible strikes before they get the ball into the winning holes, they must know how a golf ball with weight flies and cuts the air into trajectory motion before reaching the ground.

Being able to estimate the relative weight of the ball and the clubs being used will surely put you on a winning edge.

2. Physical Training – You must understand that golf is a type of physical activity and in order to perform a certain kinetic workout well, one must be able to handle and put together all the elements of bodily strength, endurance, and full coordination and balance and perform at your utmost potential. In short, one must be physically fit.

3. Take on That Ideal Swing – As an individual golfer, you must create your own unique swinging technique. You should learn to understand how you could best perform your drive and take on fewer strikes before reaching the hole.

4. Take on a Daily Routine РThere is truth to the old clich̩ that practice makes perfect. However, it should be put in mind that proper practice in the right environment with the right experienced people around makes most of the difference.

5. Proper Mindset – Emotions play an important role in setting your goals to their completion. Body chemistry works in any physical activity such as golf games. If you are upset and worrying about anything else, leave it at that and start focusing on a playing mode.

Get more Golf tips for Beginners.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Get an Online Degree That Will Look Good on Resumes

A lot of people choose online degree for variety of reasons, which including personal fulfillment, career advancement, and love of learning. If you want a degree that's taken seriously in the workplace or help in your career advancement, you need to consider two factors when choose your online degree program. First, make sure you choose an online university or college that has the proper regional accreditation. Second, if you expect to get a promotion in your workplace after completing your degree program, make sure that you choose a program that is appropriate for your workplace situation.

If you want a degree that'll look good on resumes and be accepted without question, follow these simple guidelines when selecting an online university or college:

1. Make sure the university has the proper regional accreditation

When an online university is accredited, it means that it has passed or surpassed a set of nationally recognized standards for its teaching process. Many employers are more opt to hire graduate from an accredited online university. The rule of thumb, select an online university which is accredited by regional accreditation agency will ensure you have a worthy degree accepted by most employers; regional accreditation is the highest level of accreditation a university can obtain and is recognized throughout the United States.

2. Try to find an Online University that has an active physical campus

More and more employers are recognizing the validity of online education. However, be aware that it is not completely accepted by all employers. Some potential employers may see warning signs if you announce that you earned your degree through the internet. A lot of employers are still ignorant of the advances online education has made in recent years and fail to recognize the difference between legitimate degrees and "diploma mill" certificates. Hence, taking online courses from a "regular" school that just happens to have a few online programs is an easy way to avoid concerns.

3. Check out the online university's track record

Internet has made easy for people to search for information, use this benefit to do some research and get as much as information on the online universities you are considering. Searching on the education news databases, message boards that discuss the universities you are considering, this will gives you some good information on the positive and negative feedbacks of the universities. Try to talk to current and former online students will help you avoid universities that seem to be having an unusual number of problems.

4. Make sure the school has a regularly open office

When you use your degree to apply for a job position, the employer may double check your record, an office staffed with competent employees can put their fears to rest and assure them of your degree's validity.

In Summary

It's important that you get your online degree from an online university which is well recognized in the job market, so that you can earn a degree that value the most and that will look good on resumes and be accepted by employer without any question.

Online Criminal Justice Degree
Online Degree in Criminal Justice

Friday, January 15, 2010

Electric Shavers Vs Razors

Have you battled between the 2? If you are like most other men out there I am sure you have! I know I have bounced back and forth. I just wanted to take a moment and share with you some of the pros and cons of each so that you can maybe make an educated decision on which one would work best for you!

First we will look at Electric Shavers!
There are several advantages electric shavers have over the good ole razor. It is definitely more convenient to have an electric shaver. It takes much less time to shave your face. It is also mobile! Which means you are running late to work you can always have one stashed in the car so you can shave on the way to work or the safer method just shave in the bath real quick when you get there. Shaving and driving don't always mix well. Another advantage of electric shavers is that you aren't always having to replace blades and what not. If these advantages look good to maybe an electric shaver is what you need.

There are also several disadvantages to electric shavers. Some say they don't shave close enough! Some peoples skin is more sensitive and they irritate it. It is an electrical device which means that it can have problems if not properly maintained. And replacement parts can be kind of pricey.

Nest we will take a look at the good ole razor blade!
Many people prefer razors over electric shavers because they get you a much closer smoother shave. They are also very simple to use no electronics or anything that could go wrong or break. Some people have sensitive skin that an electric shaver will irritate real bad.

Razors are very sharp! You may cut yourself if you are not careful with what you are doing. Razors are not as mobile as electric shavers therefore it is not as convenient you can't just whip at a razor anywhere and give yourself a quick shave! You also have to constantly replace the razor heads with new ones because they dull quickly.

So if you are busy on the go professional I feel electric shavers will meet your needs better, however if you are someone who is quite detail oriented and wants things done precisely you may like using the good ole razor better! But its your decision! I recommend trying both and seeing which one fits you better!

Source for the best mens shavers [].

Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

The Switch to Electric Men's Shavers

Many men who have grown comfortable with their manual razors will likely hesitate to purchase new electric men's shaver, much less, make a firm decision to change.

Electric men's shavers, though convenient, can cost you some serious money. When you buy shavers, an average one will cost more than $50 and higher brands can cost as much as $300. The good news is that the maintenance is very low. You don't need to change your shaver's rechargeable batteries, just charge them occasionally. Also, the shaver heads may dull over time and you will need to either sharpen them or change them each year to two, depending on the quality and brand of your unit.

Taking into account men who have some blood conditions, I would recommend an electric razor because it keeps your skin from getting cut and bleeding, unlike blades. If you are using an electric men's shaver for the first time, your time of adjustment to your new unit may take three weeks or more. Why that long? Since it is an electric, you will need to adapt to the different way of shaving and let your skin get used to the new sensation, and also devise your own way of shaving with a Men's Shaver.

Though manual razors are uncomplicated, some electric men's shavers are revolutionary, and they are here to stay and will have more features and enhancements over time. Even though their prices for the very best men's shavers can be high, they offer super value for your money.

Click HERE for some great FREE informative articles and a superb Site where you can see all the latest models and is designed especially for us Men who are thinking of changing to a men's shaver.

Did you find this Article helpful? If you did, why not take a look at my other articles?

Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Advantages of an Online Nursing Master's Degree

Earning your advanced nursing degree has many advantages, and earning it online can have more. While all educational choices have pros and cons, the advantages of an online nursing master's degree allow you to continue your education and your life with fewer interruptions than may occur through a traditional learning setting.

Online Learning

Online learning is becoming more and more accepted by educational institutions and employers alike. Some people who are considering an online degree may fear that the quality of education will be less than that through a traditional classroom setting. However, this simply is not the case. When you research your program, and choose a quality, accredited school, you will find that the educational requirements are just as stringent (if not more so) than through other means of obtaining your degree.

The acceptance of online learning as a valuable option is apparent in the number of traditional schools that now offer online options. Many that do not currently offer online courses are in the process of development.


Perhaps the advantages of an online nursing master's degree are most obvious in the flexibility offered by this type of program. Many people who are ready to pursue an advanced degree have been in the workforce for a number of years. With an online degree, you do not have to interrupt your career in order to go to school. The advantages of an online nursing master's degree include the ability to continue working and meet family obligations. Further, if you are interested in a particular school, an online program may allow you to attend that school no matter where you live.


Additional advantages of an online nursing master's degree are the wide ranges of programs available. The ability to specialize with a master's in nursing is greater than ever. Whatever your interests and career direction, you can find an online nursing master's program to support your goals. Some examples of options include public health, education, and leadership and management.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

LPN To RN: Earn Your Registered Nursing Degree Online

Are you looking to move from LPN to RN? Earn your registered nursing degree online and you are bound to get there faster and with ease. You already have the basics under your belt. You have taken courses to earn your LPN already. But, moving to RN is a big step that requires additional school, additional costs and is a very time consuming process especially when you are working. Yet, you can move from and LPN to RN. Earn your registered nursing degree online and there is no doubt that it will be worth it.

Advancement Success

If you are considering the method of moving from one level of degree to the next, online education allows you to do just that. One of the most difficult aspects for those that are looking for a way to advance is working and getting schooling done. On top of that, you may have a family to attend to as well. All of these things add up and they add up to no time. Yet, when you consider moving your education to the online community, you still get the same education only you do it at your time.

Online nursing schools can allow you to advance quickly, without the risk or worry of getting there successfully. You can take your courses when it fits your schedule. You can do one class per day or cram several on your few days off. You can work around your schedule at work or your schedule with your family. Those are flexibilities that you just can not get in a traditional school.

Getting Started

To begin your course of study, find the school that offers just what you need in an RN program. Then, determine the best method for taking your classes. You can usually determine your hands on, field work needs right from the curriculum. Often, the schools partner with area facilities for these needs. When you are ready to move from LPN to RN, earn your registered nursing degree online to find true success in your future.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

What is the basic information to put in mind before your deer hunting trips?

Maybe you are one of those hunters who are searching for a way on how you and your friends can enjoy this deer hunting trips well. Maybe you have tried it once and you already know how thrilling it is to go out in the jungle for deer hunting trips but you wish you can turn back the chance so you can have a better result. Better result and better season are one of the common things that any hunter would wish for if they find their self in failure with their first try out. Deer hunting trips have lots of things to consider but taking a look on how prepared you are for the trip is the main thing to consider and you must see yourself prepared like a real hunter should be. You also need to consider that you must have a sure plan and a time for you to prepare those things you need in your trip.

Being knowledgeable in hunting trips is what you need if you want to have nice hunting trips. Think about the principle that you need to be better than what you are in your first time. Don’t just stay on what you are right now, even you are a good hunter there are still things that you need to know. It is not so good to rely on theories about hunters so better take the advices of those who are experience and are speaking based on their personal experience. It is always better to read some real experiences of the hunters so you can already know what to expect in your deer hunting trips.

As real hunters know a knife and the right gun are one of the most basic things that you need to have before going to a deer hunting trip. You also need to learn everything including the right clothing and as well as the popular four laws of rutting. Learning about the 15secrets about operating a firearm will surely let you know the things that you should remember when you are on your hunting trips.

If you want a memorable deer hunting experience you should have the right information and knowledge about deer hunting trips.

For more information you can visit trophy whitetail hunts.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Establishing Online Dating Relationships: Safety First

Online dating IS fun, but don't forget your own safety and common sense when you try to "hook up" with a potential mate. Take caution in the following areas:

Protect Your Computer

Ensure your computer and systems are set up correctly before heading out in the World Wide Web. Firewalls, anti-virus protection for emails, searching websites and interacting online and spyware should be your bare minimum setup. There is plenty of free software available for home users and my two favourite are:

Firewall Download: Zonealarm (

Anti-Virus Download: Avast (

Protect Yourself Look out for number one at all times... choose well-known dating sites. If applicable, choose a reputable online dating service, do some research before you sign up to anything. How? Ask your friends, neighbours, co-workers etc to find out who has tried online dating and which sites they used and liked. Also, search "online dating services" and bookmark any sites or URLs you like, noting fees, rules, regulations etc. These are what keep you safe. Always ensure you can contact the administrators of these sites as well. Send them an email, ask some questions, see if they respond. Trust your gut and go for it!

So take care. Arm your computer - and yourself - with the correct tools and knowledge!

Did you know it takes 9 months for the average American to find a spouse, partner, mate? Can you wait that long? Do you want to wait that long? A great online dating profile can cut that time in half! Click here []and find out how you can write a profile that will fill your calendar with dates in no time at all.

Koop iTunes Gift Cards.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Debt Reduction Advice

Debt is very killing and it can balloon to a very sizable amount. Therefore it's important that debt be reduced instantly. In fact more than 435 of Americans live with debt. If debt gets too big, then a person can go bankrupt. Otherwise they may have to take debts just to repay back the old debts. There are several options to reduce debts. These are to reduce expenditure, increase the generation of revenue, use a debt settlement agency and lastly to repay the debts on time.

Reduce wasteful expenditure. For example if you can't afford to buy a $1500 chaise lounge, then go for cheaper options or delay the expenditure for the next month when you can afford to buy it. If you buy on the credit card, you may not be able to repay back the amount. This will add to your credit card debt. Most Americans have a huge credit card debt, which they are unable to repay at the end of the day.

Increase the generation of revenue to cut your debt. This can mean that you relocate to a better job paying you more money or take up additional jobs in order to supplement your current income. This can mean that you may be working long hours. So you may end up working 100 hours in a week. That can be big sacrifice especially if you don't get to see your family.

Debt settlement agencies can help you to reduce your debts now. They can reduce your debts upto 75%, lower interest rates and terms for payments. However they will charge you fees. One must also remember that each case is different. Don't bank on the fact that they will reduce your debt by 75%. It can be lesser than that at 50% only. Therefore the balance will have to be paid.

Repay all your debts immediately whether its payday loan or credit card loan. This will help you to reduce the debts now.

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Can Hypnosis Help to Eliminate Pain?

Pain is a subject that touches everyone. After all, it is a human condition from which we all suffer at one time or another. There are headaches, dental procedures, sports injuries, broken bones, soft-tissue injuries, and psychosomatic pain.

Research shows that 75% to 80% of all adults will experience lower back pain at some time in their lives. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from arthritis pain and as many as 45 million suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. There are thousands of people every year who suffer the agony of surgical interventions and thousands more who endure the pain of debilitating or terminal illnesses.

All of this pain falls into two basic categories: (1) acute pain, which is of short duration and (2) chronic pain, which continues for weeks, months or years.

Most people respond to pain - whether acute or chronic - by taking drugs of some kind. But drugs are often a temporary solution.

What few people realize is that the ancient art of hypnosis offers a safe, effective alternative for reducing sensitivity to pain.

Hypnosis has been shown effective in the management of various types of pain. Besides providing an effective solution for maladies such as headaches and acute injuries, hypnosis offers a unique solution for those suffering from chronic conditions like back pain and arthritis as well as intermediate and advanced stages of cancer. Studies show that patients with chronic diseases require fewer painkillers to achieve pain relief when they practice hypnosis. These same patients exhibit fewer signs of anxiety and experience greater comfort during medical procedures.

Hypnosis also has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients.

The most effective approach for acute pain appears to be the use of hypnotic suggestions focusing on anxiety reduction and minimizing the importance of the pain. For chronic pain, it is more effective to confront the pain directly under hypnosis, dealing with both the pain's physical and psychological effects.

Another area where hypnosis offers significant positive results is in dealing with pre- and post-operative patients. Using hypnosis in preparation for surgery has been shown to reduce the experience of pain during surgery, resulting in the need for less anesthetics. Hypnosis as a pain management tool with surgical patients also has been shown to reduce nausea and greatly increase the recovery rate in most patients, thereby truncating the length of time spent in the hospital. (That creates another rarely mentioned positive result: reduced medical costs!)

But efficacy and lower medical expenses are not the only positives related to the use of hypnosis for pain management. This modality has no dangerous side effects. Unlike medications, hypnosis does not become less effective with use and does not require stronger and stronger doses to cope with pain. While patients may have to ingest costly medications several times a day for years, they have the potential for reducing or eliminating their pain in just a few hypnotic sessions for significantly less cost.

Does hypnosis always work? In the area of pain control, everyone can be helped to SOME degree. There are essentially five categories into which subjects fall:

1. Those who find total and permanent relief.
2. Those that have a decrease in the severity of pain.
3. Those who experience pain relief initially, but who need occasional reinforcement.
4. Those that experience intermittent relief.
5. Those that still have pain, but feel 10-30% less pain than before.

What accounts for these differences in relief? The answer appears to be the patient's susceptibility to hypnosis - the level of relaxation reached during the hypnotic sessions. The deeper the relaxation, the more effective the pain reduction.

Certainly, no treatment for pain - whether chemical, physical or psychological - is effective all the time. However, hypnosis has shown over and over again that it can help people reduce or eliminate both acute and chronic pain. Best of all, it works its magic without any side effects.

As a safe, effective alternative for reducing sensitivity to pain, hypnosis is second to none.

lose weight with hypnosis