Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do You Know Your Parenting Style?

Want to be a better parent? Knowing what your current parenting style is will help you identify your needed areas for improvement. Promoting the self-discipline and self-esteem of the children in your family often requires an emotional juggling act by you as a parent. It is not easy to be firm and demanding with a child one minute, then warm and affectionate the next. This is an ongoing education process both for the parent and for the child. In addition, many adults naturally have personalities or temperaments that predispose them toward one parenting style or another.

Authoritarian Parenting

Parents who tend to overemphasize the discipline side of the equation are referred to as authoritarian. Authoritarian parents are demanding in the worst sense of the word. They are intimidators, requiring obedience and respect above all else. They become overly angry and forceful when they don’t get that obedience and respect. Their love and acceptance appear totally conditional to the child. They do not teach or listen to their kids or explain the reason for their expectations, which are frequently unrealistic. They often see their children’s individuality and independence as irrelevant or threatening.

Research has shown that authoritarian parents tend to produce children who are more withdrawn, anxious, mistrustful and discontented. These children are often overlooked by their peers. Their self-esteem is often poor.

Permissive Parenting

Parents who overemphasize the self-esteem side of the equation are referred to as permissive. They may be warm and supportive, but they are not good disciplinarians - even in the privacy of their own home. They make only weak demands for good behavior and they tend to avoid or ignore obnoxious behavior. They seem to believe that children should grow up without any anger, tears or frustrations. They reinforce demanding and inconsiderate behavior from their children and often find it easier to just give in to their child's demands. Their love and acceptance are “unconditional” in the worst sense of the word, for they set few rules or limits on what their children do.

Research has shown that permissive parents tend to produce children who are more immature, demanding and dependent. These children are often rejected by their peers. Their self-esteem is often unrealistic and hard to interpret, for they often blame others for their problems and misfortunes.

The Authoritative Parenting Model

Parents who are able to provide for both the discipline and self-esteem needs of their youngsters are referred to as authoritative. They clearly communicate high—but not unrealistic—demands for their children’s behavior. They expect good things from their kids and reinforce those things when they occur. They also tend to give more positive encouragement at the right places. When kids act up, on the other hand, authoritative parents respond with firm limits, but without fits of temper. They are warm, reasonable and sensitive to a child’s needs. They are supportive of a child’s individuality and encourage growing independence.

Authoritative parents tend to produce competent children. These kids are more self-reliant, self-controlled, content and happy. They are usually accepted and well-liked by their peers and perform better in school. Their self-esteem is good and they report having a happier childhood experience overall.

Where Do You Need Work as a Parent?

Logic and research, then, support the idea that children need both firm discipline and emotional support to grow up psychologically healthy. After reading the descriptions of the parenting styles above, if you found that you leaned too much toward the demanding, authoritarian style, then you need to work on the warm, supportive side of parenting. You need to have more fun with your kids, listen better and dole out more praise. If on the other hand, you leaned too much toward the permissive style, you need to work on establishing clear rules, setting limits, and confronting obnoxious behavior. Need to modify your parenting style? Start today!

Baby First provides the latest parenting tips and parenting information as we are the one stop solution for parent resource on raising babies and children.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Colon Cleanse - How Good is It?

Let's first have a look on what makes a colon cleanse necessary. The main reason for overweight is of course bad and fatty food. But many people still don't really know what it does to your body. The chemicals contained in fast food clog your colon after a time. This can make the space in your colon shrink to the size of a pencil! This is a disease, that is much more common than you think. Studies have now proven, that over 95% of all Americans have pounds of toxic fecal waste stuck in their colon.

In this case the body is not able to digest the food, that you eat properly, so more of the fat is being absorbed by your body. A good colon cleanse, makes it possible for your body to digest your meals just the way it would normally do.

First of all a clogged colon makes people feel flabby no matter if they slept well and enough. This is caused by the fact that the body needs much more energy to digest the eaten meals. Anyway many people suffering from a clogged colon are usually not able to sleep well. They toss and turn in bed, and find their sleep is restless.

More important than that it can cause serious diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes and in worst cases even colon cancer. So we can say, that an effective colon cleanse would help preventing all those diseases with a single treatment.

This can have various health benefits:

  • An increased metabolism
  • Instant weight loss
  • More energy
  • Smooth sleep
  • Smooth digestion
  • No more headaches caused by a lack of energy
  • Improvement of the mood
  • An improved stamina
  • Cancer prevention
  • Diabetes prevention
  • Prevention of high blood pressure
  • A strengthened immune system
  • A tightened skin
  • A clean colon
  • Removes toxic fecal waste from the body
  • Prevents constipation
  • Keeps the body from absorbing additional fat
  • Optimisation of the blood sugar
  • Increases concentration

This is only some of the benefits that come hand in hand with a colon cleanse. There are much more. In fact there are far too many to list up here! All together we can say that a good colon cleanse is not only a very powerful weight loss solution, which it definitely is, it is also the #1 method to prevent colon cancer as well as many other diseases coming together with a clogged colon.

This makes it the most powerful weight loss solution of our time, as it is quick, and ultra effective, healthy and natural.

Summing this all up, we can say, that a good colon cleanse is definitely worth a try!

By Julia Mathews

Learn more about Colon Cleanse and why it is probably the most powerful weight loss solution of our time.

bowtrol colon cleanse

colon cleansing and weight loss

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Colon Cleanse XR and the Removal of Toxic Buildup

Colon Cleanse XR and performing an internal colon cleanse are meant to remove the toxins from our bodies that we receive from food, the environment and even the air we breathe. These things are filled with pollutants and chemicals, which become lodged in our body, and trapped in our lower intestine and colon.

This article will focus on the trouble with toxin buildup in the colon and lower intestine. Also, you will learn about the benefits of a proper internal colon cleanse using a natural product such as Colon Cleanse XR versus other methods such as enemas or hydrotherapy. When you are done reading, you should be able to make a more educated decision about if this method of colon cleansing is right for you.

The Trouble With Toxin Buildup

Once these toxins are stuck within our colon, it can lead to weight gain, difficulty losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Colon cleanses can be used to jump start a healthy weight loss plan by getting off on the right foot and using a healthy method to create a body that will respond will to the weight loss.

Did you know that a toxic colon can cause more than just digestive problems? A toxic colon can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Acne

This is in addition to the myriad of disorders that can occur within the digestive system. Colon cleansing is used to not only jump start weight loss, but to create an overall healthy immune system.

The Benefits Of An Internal Colon Cleanse

A good internal colon cleanse using Colon Cleanse XR has been attributed to weight loss, more energy and better sleep. This is because once the colon is rebalanced, the body is no longer fighting off toxins from within and is more capable of taking care of itself naturally.

There are many benefits to using a colon cleanse system such as Colon Cleanse XR. This will include a healthier immune system, weight loss, detoxification of the digestive system and increased energy levels.

You have now learned about what can happen when toxins build up in your lower intestine and colon. You know that this can lead to problems such as fatigue, headaches, insomnia and even constipation. By performing a regular (semi-annual) internal colon cleanse with an all natural product like Colon Cleanse XR, you are able to remove these harmful toxins from your body and also enjoy the benefits of weight loss. While this product is not meant as a weight loss system, it can be used to jump start your healthy weight loss nutrition plan and get you off on the right foot.

Many people don't realize the importance of good colon health. A proper internal colon cleanse can make all the difference in good and bad health. Learn more about colon cleansing and see reviews of popular products at

bowtrol colon cleanse

colon cleansing and weight loss

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Professional Online Dating Services Are Crucial For Meeting Your Match

Choosing the best online dating site is quite difficult. It is like looking for a needle in haystack. This is because not one online dating service could really make claim to the best online dating site. Choosing the best online dating site will depend on a number of factors and on the person casting the vote. Plus the fact that there are thousands of online dating services all over the net, it is definitely hard to compare them one by one.

Online dating services are traditional dating companies that have moved and expanded to the online service of providing dating services to the public via the internet. These online dating service providers allow for a database of potential relationships with like minded people to grow.

Professional online dating service is done via real time chat, emailing, profiling and telephone access dependant on the clients’ choices. In order to access this service, the potential client must have access to the Internet via an Internet service provider, over the age of 18 and have registered with their chosen dating service provider.

Professional online dating service allows people to meet online. These services allow you to search thousands of singles and discover the best matches for yourself. Posting a profile on the dating sites is the best method of introduction. Profiling allows users to limit their search to include those matching the criteria that are absolutely vital in their future partner. Criteria such as location, age, etc. can be accurately limited. The schedules and geography are no limitations for professional online dating service.

Many professional online dating services provide the facility of limiting searches to a specific location. People have the advantage of having variety of ways to interact in professional online dating service. The various professional online dating service sites provide a wide range of services and features chat rooms. Some of the services also have advanced features like voice/video greeting. With features like these you stand a far better chance of finding that special someone than you would by placing a 5 line letter in newspaper personals or in the social parties.

The online dating offers unrestricted conversation with one person. Keep interested in several people and get to know them via email before committing to that first phone conversation, or first date. The relative cost of meeting someone online versus those of more conventional methods is numerous. Most of the professional online dating services provide free membership to begin with. In general, many professional online dating service sites will offer the following services for free after you sign-up:

1. Profile Posting including age, height, hair color, eye color, body type, hobbies, activities, etc.

2. Photo submission of up to four personal shots

3. Database Search of potential partners to meet

4. Instant Messaging to send/reply (depending on the site) to member messages

5. Event Invitations about singles events in your area where you can meet new people

Membership fees for professional online dating service sites vary and some sites are completely free. However, most professional online dating service sites offer basic services for free and then additional services for paid members.

Some free online dating services will let you instant message or post on a forum with your fellow daters. However, this is where free online dating services draw the line. If you want to avail of more benefits then you need to subscribe.

Dean Shainin is a successful Webmaster and publisher of For more articles, and valuable resources for getting effective dating tips and services, visit his site at: best dating services

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Online Dating Tips For Women - What is the Best Online Dating Site?

So, what is the best online dating site? Due to the high popularity of online dating, an abundance of online dating sites have popped up on the net. There are sites that include every imaginable genre which offer free as well as paid membership. In addition, online dating site technology has advanced to a point where it is common to find such options as chat, instant messaging and extensive profile matching systems.

The categories of online dating sites have expanded to the extent that just about every theme under the sun is available. Online dating site categories include such varieties as Christian dating, lesbian dating, gay dating, sports enthusiasts, non-religious dating, interracial dating, Hispanic dating and so on.

With so many choices, themes and categories in today's online dating world, how should one proceed? Well, the answer is simple. Find the site that best blends with your wishes, desires, needs and interests. When beginning your search for an online dating site, here are some of the finer points you should take into consideration.

The first point to consider is the cost of membership. Ask yourself how much you can afford to spend each month to maintain a membership with an online dating site. There are several free dating sites available, however, these are not generally recommended. If your budget is tight, this option may work well for you, but proceed with caution.

Next, take a look at the features and benefits that your potential online dating site offers. Do you feel that features such as live chat and instant messaging are tools to increase your chances of finding a potential partner or are you confident that by communicating by regular email is sufficient.

Does the online dating site offer special benefits such as supervised outside events. Many of the upscale sites include special events such as speed dating, members only parties and social mixers.

Perhaps the most important point, does the online dating site provide adequate levels of safety and privacy to protect its members? The better dating sites take safety precautions such as doing a background check, an age check and a marital status check. In addition, such sites strive to protect your privacy by allowing members to place limits or filters on the viewing of their personal profiles.

All in all, online dating can be a fun, interesting & exciting way to meet a potential romantic partner. The points above are a basic guideline to begin your search for finding the perfect online dating site for you. Include these points, in addition to your own, and you will be off to an excellent start in the online dating world. Good Luck!

Visit Zebra Avenue for more great information about a wide variety of topics.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Download Online Videos

Convert And Download YouTube Videos without all of the hassle.
In fact, there are lots of available ways for us to download videos, such as some apps programs, Video Downloader(Firefox Add-on) and so on. At the same time, you will find that many of these tools will download videos in file extension .flv, and you'll need to convert the video unless you have a .flv player. Some tools do this for you, or you can use a separate conversion tool. Thus, it is necessary for us to look for an easy and simple to download and convert videos. Today, I will introduce you, a unique and convenient video downloader.